Writeup CSAW: Anya Gacha
This has been the first CTF challenge that involved a little GamePwn that I’ve ever found. Will I be able to find the rare character Anya and her flag?
The day I've almost broken my Ubuntu
Some days ago, as all the days of this summer I’ve been working on my thesis project. I was building some programs and one of them was giving me an error about some names that were not recognized. Searching on the internet, these names should have belonged to the libstdc++ library. My first thought was : “Probably this library is missing, let’s try to install it”…
Writeup CORCTF: MSFrogGenerator
This was the second most solved challenge in 2022 CorCTF competition for the Web category.
Writeup RITSEC CTF: Soup
Can we guess the favoutite Soup of the creator of these challenge? Let’s discover it!
Writeup Reply Challenge: The Magic Pot
For this challenge we’ve been provided with a binary in .exe extension. Analyzing it, using the command file or some softwares like Ghidra it was possible to discover some basic information like it is a Portable Executable compiled in Visual Studio, it is a 32bit application working on Intel 80836.
Writeup Compfest13: Magic Mystery Club
This has been the challenge that made me suffer the most at the moment. We are provided with a binary in ELF (so executable on Linux). It was proposed as a Reverse Engineering challenge so our objective was to find the correct input that at all the effects is the flag we’re searching for.
Here we go again
Welcome back to my website! New year is coming, and with it also my new blog.
Writeup K3rn3l4rmy CTF: WiRE
For this CTF we are provided with 2 files: an executable called WiRE-client.exe and a file containing some collected packets called WiRE.pcapng.