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8 August 2022

Writeup CORCTF: MSFrogGenerator

by Retro

This was the second most solved challenge in 2022 CorCTF competition for the Web category.

We have a funny website in which we have to customize our frog with some emoticons.

We can move the emoticons wherever we want, with only three limitations; in order to generate the picture we have to:

Exploring what the website does when opened, we see that its behavior is based on a javascript file:

Everyone would have at least checked the file, finding inside it an enormous wall of text: luckily analizing the website source code we find a note:

<!-- NOTE: There is no (intended) vuln in the frontend, 
please don't waste your time digging into the JS ;) 

So I immediately skipped it.

By generating the image, instead, we would have the opportunity to save it in local: but the most important thing is the call that the website does when the button is clicked:

It calls another page: /api/generate; it contains a JSON with a base 64 that once rendered will be the frog we’ve created: nothing useful here. At this point I tried to play with POST requests, using curl first:

we can see that changing the input actually changes also the output. It was easier, to me, continuing on Burp Suite. I intercepted the request to api/generate and modified it in order to send a command, and watch its output:

It actually worked; plus, it returned an error message if i didnt put a correct name for the image, that’s why I’ve left mskiss.png.

I can also see it is searching in the img folder: I tried to list the files, but as expected there was no flag. At this point I’ve searched into the root folder /:

and here it is: the file /flag.txt is the one we’re searching: with a simple

$(cat /flag.txt)/mskiss.png

we obtain our flag:

Flag: corctf{sh0uld_h4ve_r3nder3d_cl13nt_s1de_:msfrog:}

If you have any question, want to ask me anything or give me any advice, just contact me and I will be super-available to answer to all of you! Hope to see you again!
tags: Hacking - Web